Wellbeing in Schools
We host workshops and provide coaching packages designed to introduce the concept of ‘wellbeing’ on every level, and to furnish individuals with tools to live a happier and healthier life!

Our Aims and Vision - School Staff
To assist staff members to feel in control of their entire worldview inside and outside of the school environment.
To empower individuals to recognise, deal with, and eliminate stress triggers.
To support staff members to feel empowered, calm, healthy and happy.
To help individuals create a positive impact in their everyday lives, inside and outside of the school day.
To encourage a happier, more harmonious, and productive school environment filled with mutual respect, and understanding.
To guide individuals and whole schools to create a practical plan that is easy to follow and incorporate into a daily routine, whilst being sustainable and have the freedom to evolve, deepen and change over time.
The Unique Opportunity for Wellbeing in Schools
As educators and staff in schools, you are already doing an amazing job!!
What is unique as educators, is that you not only have the opportunity to feel the best you can and enjoy your lives to the best of your ability, but you are also in the privileged position to be able to positively impact the students in your care.
Every day you have the opportunity to model to your students, what it means to feel and embody your very best version of yourself!
You are educators of the future of humanity – what can be more important than this after all?!!
A Bespoke Approach – One Workshop is Just The Start!
We offer workshops which can be tailored to the specific needs of your school and staff. All content can be changed depending on the requirements of your staff – we also acknowledge that these will change over time!

“A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops.” Henry Adams
Wellbeing Workshop themes include:
General wellbeing - What does this mean for you?
Practical tips for reducing stress - Being happier and healthier!
Nutrition - Some top tips on maximising your diet to make you happier and healthier.
Meditation for the modern mind.
Yoga - Putting calm and fun into your day!
Guided Visualisations - to activate your truest potential.
How to manifest the future you want! Using Law of Attraction tips.
Vision boards - to help you to realise your dreams.
Carousel of activities.
Creating a personal coaching plan for a joyful life.

Individual & Group Wellbeing Coaching Packages
Tara Wellbeing Individual Coaching Packages
Designing a fantastic future!
Available to individuals - either in person or over an online portal such as ‘Zoom’.
Effective in working quickly to help individuals reach their highest potential, and acheive goals and ambitions.
Tara Wellbeing Group Coaching Programme
These will enhance the impact of the Wellbeing whole group sessions and create laser focus surrounding issues and themes to be addressed.
Created according to the needs of the individuals attending. An in-person or online experience which can be arranged outside of school hours, or at lunchtime.
We look forward to working with you to create a bespoke wellness package for your school.